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Custom Rugs


Get your design 📝

At ModArt Rugs, we take customising up a notch by providing choices that are more than just the size. Be it the colour, shape, texture or pattern of the rug or carpet that needs your special touch - you can customise it hassle free. Whether you are refurbishing your den or transforming your office space, the ideal rug will set the tone of the area in the first glance, hence, we will cater to your every need and demand throughout the beautiful design process.

Get your size 📏

While picking out custom area rugs, size being the most essential factor needs to be precise - with accurate measurements & shape of the space. Apart from area rugs, we have wall-to-wall carpets & runners (for stairs, hallway, bedroom etc) as well. In addition to colours, textures & size, shapes such as rectangles, circles, hexagons etc. too add a prominent sense of symmetry to the room. Here at ModArt Rugs, when it comes to personalizing a rug down to the T, it transforms into a beautiful collaboration as your ideas and our impeccable craftsmanship unites.


Get your colours 🎨

From bold traditional colours to subtle, mellow ones, outstanding antique designs to minimalist-style patterns, we have rugs for every aesthetic preferences. To create a space that speaks volumes of your personality & taste through its decor, custom rugs are the way to go. Being the focal point & an anchor to the existing decor elements, the colour selection of the rug needs to be just right - that’ll help elevate the room, whether it’s adding an interesting texture or a fun pattern, ModArt Rugs offers thousands of shades to choose from.

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